Colorado School of Mines
GeoThermOPTIMAL is a research program devoted to the development of the tools and techniques to first create and then control a subsurface heat exchanger for enhanced geothermal system (EGS). The Colorado School of Mines is partnered with Tejas Research and Engineering and KSWC Engineering and Machining in a 3-year, $5.3 million DOE grant as part of the DOE-funded Utah-FORGE program. The objective is to develop EGS technology to serve as a reliable and inexpensive zero carbon power source.
The 11,959,666 patent issued on April 16, 2024
GeoThermOPTMIMAL – Like Fusion, but here and now.
About Us
GeoThermOPTIMAL is three-year DOE funded project to develop and construct cost-effective hydraulic fracturing tools to enable zonal isolation for in the construction of a subsurface heat exchanger in Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) field research at the Utah-FORGE site.
Contact Us
1516 Illinois Street
Golden, CO 80401
As Colorado School of Mines prepares for our 150th anniversary in 2024, dynamic and disruptive change is all around us. MINES@150 is our plan to position Mines for future success.
It calls for change, but also to stay true to our timeless mission, pillars and core values. MINES@150 leverages our size, location, and history, ensuring that our graduates will continue to be distinctive and highly valued, placing Mines at the frontiers of STEM education, research and innovation, and elevating our status among the world’s top universities.